Title An investigation into the factors inhibiting the development of date crop insurance: The case of Saravan County
Paper ID KrTW21
KeywordsDate crop insurance, Ordinal Logit Model, Willingness To Accept
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Title Species diversity and plant community assembly driven by environmental gradients in pure deodar forests of Northwestern Himalaya, Pakistan
Paper ID OuI441
KeywordsPlant communities; Pure deodar forests; Environmental variables; Multivariate approaches; Himalaya
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Title Logical culture of the Russian university philosophers in the first half of the twentieth century
Paper ID Dlpe51
Keywordslogical culture, A. Vvedensky, N. Lossky, G. Shpet, logical laws, logical forms, the image of logic, the style of philosophical thinking
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Title Undergraduate Nursing Students Perception about Professional values: A cross-sectional study
Paper ID wJTiy1
Keywordsprofessional nursing values, undergraduate nursing students, Activism, Caring, Professionalism, Trust, Justice.
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